Every purchase made through this store sees 100% of the profits passed on to the author.
A coup d'état in the south of France and the sequel to Clapperland.
Black comedy or political thriller? At the End of Days, you choose.
Tales of a War Correspondent from Lutruwita (Tasmania) 1814–1856
Through our experiences helping authors with book design and publishing, we've realised that it's really bloody hard for them to make any money out of their creative endeavours. There's always a retailer or a distributor wanting to take their cut, leaving little for the author. Our solution was to set up this little online store as a space where authors can sell directly to their customers—and retain all the profits. Minus a couple of merchant fees that we need to recoup (Stripe, Paypal, etc.), we pass on all of the proceeds made from sales on this store back to the authors.