A troubled young woman struggles to adjust to the realities of adulthood, haunted by her beautiful, disastrous past. Memories flood back to her as she pieces together the dark fragments of herself and her childhood while attempting to discover meaning in an isolating city.
A tight-knit coastal town. Relationships, disaster, laughter. Cigarettes and scars. Broken glass and broken hearts. A mysterious gypsy named Jupiter. A sun-kissed boy with wild dreams. Wood smoke, magic and the sea.
Black comedy or political thriller? At the End of Days, you choose.
A coup d'état in the south of France and the sequel to Clapperland.
Tales of a War Correspondent from Lutruwita (Tasmania) 1814–1856
Tales of a War Correspondent from Lutruwita (Tasmania) 1814–1856
Black comedy or political thriller? At the End of Days, you choose.